People aren't the only ones who have opinions. Our house plants have A LOT to say. "Begonia the Movie Buff" is an original franchise I developed to market movies on Comedy Central. It centers on a group of five 2-D house plants, who banter back and forth about upcoming films. I got the idea from caring for my house plant, Piper the Pothos, throughout quarantine. The two of us watched a lot of movies together and I always wondered what she had to say about them. "Begonia the Movie Buff" is our chance to find out.
Let's meet some of the characters:
Let's meet some of the characters:
Free Guy x Begonia
Craig the Cannabis seems to know way more about what's happening in Free Guy than he lets on in this :60 TV script.
Dune x Begonia
All Carlos the Cactus wants to do is dig deeper into Dune, but Begonia's mind is elsewhere in this :60 TV script.
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway
Peter isn't your average rabbit and neither is this :30 clip-based TV script I wrote for Nick@Nite. Knowing that Peter always has the last word in his movies, I wanted to create a spot where he had the opportunity to do the same in a promo for his upcoming film. In the below, Peter Rabbit himself interacts with a brutally honest VO narrator, playfully interjecting and begging to differ about how he's being portrayed in his sequel.
When Paramount came to us looking for junket ideas we could execute for their animated wrestling movie, Rumble, I did what any good creative would do... research. I bobbed and weaved myself through wrestling culture until I came up with a few different options to present to Paramount. The studio loved two of my ideas so much, they asked to see scripts for each to help them choose. Below are both of those :60 TV scripts.
In "Biased Hype Men," Will Arnett and Terry Crews go head to head hyping the heck out of their characters, trying to prove once and for all that theirs is the better wrestler.
"Monster Muscles Terry" uses physical humor to juxtapose Terry Crew's monstrous muscles with Will Arnett's average build. Poor Will just can't compete.
In "Biased Hype Men," Will Arnett and Terry Crews go head to head hyping the heck out of their characters, trying to prove once and for all that theirs is the better wrestler.
"Monster Muscles Terry" uses physical humor to juxtapose Terry Crew's monstrous muscles with Will Arnett's average build. Poor Will just can't compete.